8 Expert tips for driving in the rain

Driving in the rain can seem intimidating, especially if it happens on the day of your driving test. However, rain should not stop you from taking the test. After all, a good driver knows how to navigate the road regardless of weather conditions. Here are eight expert tips to help you master driving in the rain, whether for your test or everyday life.
  • 1 | Make sure the road is clear
    Before starting or changing direction, always check that the lane is clear, a fundamental principle, rain or shine.
  • 2 | Use your mirrors
    Rain creates more blind spots. Therefore, perform frequent checks and look over your shoulder before changing lanes.
  • 3 | Signal all your intentions
    With reduced visibility, it’s crucial to inform other drivers of your intentions by signaling clearly and in a timely manner.
  • 4 | Maintain a safe distance
    Braking distance increases on wet roads. Therefore, make sure to maintain a sufficient safety distance from the vehicle in front of you.
  • 5 | Reduce your speed
    Adapting your speed to weather conditions is essential to maintain optimal control of the vehicle and reduce the risk of hydroplaning.
  • 6 | Stay in your lane
    Rain does not excuse disregarding traffic rules. Stay in your lane and only change lanes if necessary and in a safe manner.
  • 7 | Be vigilant of pedestrians
    Pedestrians can be unpredictable, especially in the rain. Stay alert and ready to react quickly to ensure everyone’s safety.
  • 8 | Eliminate distractions
    Fully focus on driving, especially in challenging conditions. Avoid any distractions to keep your full attention on the road.

Before hitting the road in the rain

Check the condition of your tires and make sure your windshield wipers and lights are working properly. Good visibility and optimal grip are your best allies.

Turn on your headlights, keep your windshield clean, and use a water-repellent product to push water away more effectively.

Common mistakes to avoid

Don’t follow the vehicle in front of you too closely, remember to turn on your headlights, and adjust your speed to road conditions.

In summary, driving in the rain requires increased attention and an adaptation of your driving habits. These tips are not only useful for passing your driving test in Geneva in rainy weather, but also valuable skills for your entire driving life. Take the time to practice and familiarize yourself with these weather conditions to drive safely, no matter the weather.

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8 Expert tips for driving in the rain